Why do women like alpha males?

Alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet. In astronomy, it is the brightest star in a constellation. In common parlance, alpha means to be the first.

 Alpha males are guys who seem to be leading the pack, the hunter, the ever-reliable male god. They are all around us, in the ranks burly blue collar workers to the impeccable corporate leaders. So why do women like alpha males; or do they?

 Women do not only like alpha males; they adore them! Alpha males are the stuff that women's romantic imaginations are of. These are men who get women's attention wherever they go.

 The attraction lies in the power seemingly possessed by alpha males. It's not really just about the money but it is about strength in character and the ability to be respected by his peers.

 A woman defines an alpha male as someone who is vocal about what he wants and who does everything to get it. An alpha male is not just cocky our loud, but there is a semblance of authority in his voice that seems to attract others, male or female. An alpha male is filled with confidence about his looks though he may not be handsome and is confident about his intelligence though he may not be a Wharton graduate.

 In the animal kingdom the alpha males are those who lead the pack with an aggressive behavior. The animals have their own social structure where the alpha or the dominant males get to mate with the females, with the principle that the alpha males will most probably produce better offsprings. Same goes for the alpha males in the society of humans.

 Women describe alpha males as those with an innate superiority and who literally leads the pack. These are males who are aggressive and assertive despite their limitations.

 To be able to understand an alpha male, one has to get to know his characteristics such as but not limited to being:

 Born leaders

 Alpha males are born to lead the pack. They are known to be the peacemakers and the ones responsible for stopping fights after and aggression usually started off by a bully. These men are usually dignified men who have leadership capabilities and they sometimes rule their world. An alpha male is a no nonsense leader who cannot be dictated upon and who stands by his principles.

 Gandhi is an alpha male. He is a charismatic leader who refused to be pressured into giving up his cause. He was able to win his battle by espousing non-violence. Microsoft czar Bill Gates is an example of an alpha male who continues to change the world and its people. There are many alpha males in a variety of settings, all of whom have provided inspiration and great leadership to their sectors. Most alpha males are attracted and married to strong and outstanding women.


 Alpha males are so sure of themselves but not to point of being cocky. They have high self esteem, believing that they have the power to do anything they want and to achieve their dreams. They know they have that special something within them but they do not boat nor talk about their strength.

 Women are attracted to the alpha because of the confidence that emanates from them. This confidence manifests itself in the way he carries himself and the way he deals with others. This confidence is shown in the way he does things and treats other people. The alpha male's high self esteem makes him confident that he can get the best girl in town. The truth is, the girls usually flock around him.


 Being confident of himself and in what he can achieve, the alpha male is always assertive but not to the point of being pushy. He knows what he wants and how to get it. He asserts his rights and the rights of his friends. This may be the reason why alpha males are so popular with the pack. He leads them and gives them protection. Women love the alpha male for being assertive, of being able to know he can do it and doing something to achieve what he wants to do.

 Born leaders, confident and assertive. These are the qualities that make women swoon over the alpha male. Need we say more?