How to successfully apply the law of attraction?

A few months ago a man desperately contacted me asking, “How can I get the law of attraction to work for me fast?” He was very desperate, he had just lost his job, was about to be thrown out of his apartment and had no family. I could feel his nervousness and anxiety and I could feel that he was willing to try anything to make his life work.

 He kept saying, “I have applied the law of attraction and it’s just not working for me. Why is it not working for me?” After deeper exploration with him we both discovered three very important key ingredients that were dramatically preventing him from successfully getting the results he wanted with the law of attraction.

 1.) One question I asked him which came as a surprise to him was, “How do you spend your free time?” To his mind it hadn’t anything to do with applying the law of attraction, despite his apprehension he told me of his best friend who had been home sick for a few years and had not been working. Sine he also was now out of work the two of them had spend much time together talking about life and all the frustrations that came with being out of work.

 Apparently he did not seem to realize that while engaging in his friends frustrations he was also locking himself into the same sort of attraction as his friend.

 2.) When I brought it to his attention that he had been focusing a lot of attention on lack of money and lack of work and this was causing his failed efforts in gaining results with the law of attraction he leaped in and said that he visualizes what he wants everyday for five minutes.

 Once again he proved not to understand the science behind the law of attraction which is, that the greater amount of focus to anything would determine his attraction. Since he spent only five minutes on what he desired but his entire day on the things he did not desire he continued to get more of what he did not desire.

 He did not seem to understand that it did not matter if he was just talking about it with his friend, watching it on television and being filled with anxiety as he watched, it was all an attraction.

 3.) “So how do I focus more on something that is not there yet?” Surround yourself by it, I told him. Since you are not working and you desire to attract more money and a better life spend more of your time with people who are happy with what they are doing. Reduce the time you see and speak of the things which remind you of poverty, failure and lack. In fact limit the time you spend with your friend until you can make the changes that you want. The law of attraction will reward you for it.

 To successfully apply the law of attraction it takes pre creating what you want. That simply means that you must first energize yourself to the same level of the thing you want to attract in your life.

 Sometimes that means also cutting out the people or places that are in opposition to what you want to have. Its not always easy but there are tools that can dramatically shift your energy even if you find it had to do or are down and out in a deep or dark depression.

3 things every should master when applying the law of attraction

Would like to learn how to speed up the attraction process? Everyone would love to learn how to attract their desires a lot faster. First you must learn to understand the universal laws and how they work. Its’ a fact of life that our very existence depends on our understanding of how the universe works. Lack of understand leads to frustration.

 The law of attraction is one step of many laws. There are many secrets to allowing the law of attraction to work at its optimal level to bring us our desire.

 Here are three things every should master when applying the law of attraction.

 1) Focus – How much focus are you giving to your desire. You must learn the correct way to focus your thoughts even when you are bombarded by your everyday worries. The more focus you give to your creating the more energy is directed to it. Focus does not mean worry. As you may know when you worry you active the law of attraction to give you more circumstances that bring greater worry.

 2) Gratitude – Be grateful for where you are. Even when your life seems difficult and frustrating you can begin to see all the good that you presently have. You cannot transcend a situation that you resist. The moment you begin to look at your present condition with acceptance and gratitude you are better able to shift and make changes.

 3) Embrace the New – Find as many things as you can which stimulate you. New activities bring you and your own energy to wider and greater possibilities. When you move through your everyday activities you are moving through the same old way of thinking. Have you ever noticed that entering your work place can immediately get you to think in a particular way?

 As you shift your awareness to what is new and joyful you expand. Your breathing changes your mind changes and your attraction moves into a higher gear. The results then are faster and more explosive.

 The mind and body are like a battery, the more you feed it higher thoughts and feeling the stronger and more powerful it will be. Are you happy with the way your life is presently going? What are you willing to do to fully understand the law of attraction?

Three proven steps to be a master money

The law of attraction, like all other laws, have guidelines that need to be applied for maximum success. While affirmations work for many things they don’t often work very well for manifesting money and that is because of the deeply entrenched belief that most people have about money. It could take lifetimes for those beliefs to change and while that belief is unchanged the money problems continue.

Have you ever noticed that the things you seem to have the most difficulty with are those things which have power over you? Money happens to be one thing in physical realty that has power over most people. If you understood the nature of realty and how it works money would cease to be a problem. It does not have to be this way when you known the post powerful cosmic tools that govern reality.

You can easily switch the dynamic and begin to master money with these three proven steps.

You become the Master and money Becomes the Servant.

Switch your perspective and your world will change. Money is an entity which is here to serve you. You are the divine one, here to experience life in this physical boy. You should never be a slave to money rather should become master above money while money serves you.

It’s a tiny shift in perspective but a powerful one.

Experience is More Important Than Money

Most everyone is trying to use the law of attraction to manifest more money but most people are going about it the wrong way. They are chasing money as opposed to having money come to them. If you limit the things you think you need and begin to focus more on experience than having “things,” you can free up your ability to become a magnet.

The more experiences you have the more expanded you become. Money flows to one who is in an expanded state. The more experiences you have the richer you feel and the richer you act. You value life and the uniqueness of experience much more than you value things. In that state you are not wanting money but money will come and come abundantly. The law of attraction honors that state of being and rewards you for it. As you increase your life experiences you will begin to increase your vibration.

Higher Vibration Makes You a Powerful Money Magnet

As you expand in vibration you increase your ability to draw things to you easily. Higher vibration means more power. There are many advanced manifesting techniques that can dramatically shift your law of attraction practices to the next level. They are phenomenal when used with a clear intention. Shifting your vibration can be quite hard for the average person. When you are bombarded by the daily frustrations of the day, you may doubt that the law of attraction is even working in your favor.

Advance cosmic law of attraction techniques balance you out. They remove mental physical and emotional blocks that are unseen to your present self. They intensify your desires and draw them much easier to you. You will become an easy magnet for money without the struggle. What you want wants you. While others wait weeks and months for what they want the cosmic forces help you in manifesting faster. It’s purely magical! 

Learn about Manifestation

Have you ever thought who you are? Are you the body you see every day in a mirror? Of course you are not. Your body is constantly changing. It is different now than ten or twenty years ago. According to some scientists cells in our bodies are constantly replaced by the new ones. Although the scientists differ in their opinions, most of them agree that every seven years we have a completely new body. Not even one cell is the same.

 Anyway, most people intuitionally feel that they are not their bodies. When someone dies they say he has left. So, what has left? The body it’s still there.

 Are you your mind? You can observe your own mind. You can notice what you are thinking about now. Maybe you are reading this article now, but you are thinking about something else? Doesn’t it happen often? You can observe how your mind works, so you are not your mind.

 But most of the time we don’t observe it. It’s just the opposite, our minds constantly play different films in front of us, and it is not easy to stop them doing it.

 Have you ever tried to control your mind? Try for five minutes to concentrate on something. Let’s say visualize a yellow triangle. Do not think about anything else. Just concentrate on the yellow triangle. Can you do it? Notice how many times you have thought about something else than the yellow triangle. It’s very difficult to control a mind. Usually our minds control us.

 What do you mostly think about every day? If you are like most people you think about your past or your future.

 Our past reminiscences can be happy or sad, but past is the past. It’s gone. Future is unknown, but we are creating our future now. Whatever we are thinking about now will manifest in the future. So if we think about our problems, lack of money, difficult situations, our future will be like this. If we think how make ends meet, it will happen. We will just make ends meet.

 What if you started to live now? What if you stopped thinking about your past and stopped worrying about your future. You could think now that your life is happy. You could think that NOW you and your family have everything that you want and desire. Try it. Try to really visualize your perfect life. Don’t think about future. Think that it’s now and be grateful for it. If your visualization is good, you will feel happy and excited. You will feel good, but most important is that you have just started making it really happen in the future.

 Of course, you need to train your mind to do it every day. You need to learn the science of manifestation and practice. Great things don’t come easily. That’s why so many people don’t live the lives of their dreams. They don’t control their lives. They live their lives automatically. But you can change it. You can be happy, healthy and wealthy. You just need to make some effort.

How easy it is to understand the Law of Attraction

One of our Faculty, Christine Edick, has been the keynote speaker for several conferences for people in the 'career transition' industry. She received this short story, from one of the attendees, which demonstrates how easy it is to understand the Law of Attraction and to teach it to others.

 I have a client--a great guy in technology marketing--who was out of work for 18 months! Great networker, lots of interviews, was always the last of a few candidates, but never got the offer. He was at his wits end and ready to work for a car dealership.

 He recently got an interview for a job that he really wanted and seemed to impress the people (as he had done many times with others). He told me about it and I told him about the law of attraction information I learned from you at the conference.

 I said why not try...what had he to lose at this point. I counseled him to think as though he was already working there, LOVED his job, the people, the company, couldn't wait to get to work every day and contribute. To imagine he'd been there for months, his routine was in place, relationships built, good stuff done with more to come.

 He said he'd do it and he did. And he got the job! He's ecstatic and is preaching the law of attraction to all his friends.

 So thanks, because of what I learned from you, he finally feels productive, happy, and alive again, AND I'm a hero...he even sent me flowers!

 You too can become a hero to friends who are desperate and willing to try anything to break out of their old way of thinking and being.

How to wisely using an online dating service?

Watch out for lies and embellishments There are certain things which peoplecommonly lie about within their profile. The most common include: Height, weight, age, and occupation. Also be aware that people may embellish a little bit about themselves to make themselves sound better. For example, they may over exaggerate their travel experience, college education, etc… As mentioned before, even some pictures can’t be trusted. Some people use old photos of themselves because they looked better back then. Most important, be aware that some people lie about their relationship status. Married people have been known to state they are single on online dating sites.

 Be careful about sharing your email As mentioned, most online dating sites allow you to use an anonymous internal communication system. Make sure you take full advantage of that. If you do start to feel comfortable with someone and would like to share an email address with them, don’t use your regular email address. Set up a free email address that you use strictly for your online dating activities. You can easily obtain one through yahoo, hotmail, gmail, etc…

 Be careful about sharing your personal information It’s easy to get sweptup and excited about the possibility of a new romance. However, the anonymous nature of online dating sites makes it just as (if not) more important than ever to protect your personal information. Don’t share your full name. Never give out the details of exactly where you work, or go to school. You can say something like “I work at a major downtown law firm.” If they ask, “Which one?” Just politely tell them you’d rather not say until you get to know them a little better. Most people will understand and respect your decision to not share. Don’t ever give out your address. Be very careful about giving out your telephone number. This is especially true of your cell phone number.

 Don’t get too serious too fast It’s best to just keep things on the lighter side for a little while when you first meet someone from an online dating site. Keeping things friendly and light will help you to get to know the other person a lot better than just diving into a relationship.

 Using an online dating service will help you to find your ideal person for a relationship. By using it to its full potential you won’t have to just “settle” for someone.Unfortunately, there are some people of questionable character in this world. You’re just as likely to meet someone who is up to no good at the gym, bar/club, or even at work as you are at an online dating site. The only difference with online dating sites is the level of anonymity that is provided for users. It’s a dual edge sword. It helps protect the innocent and allows those of dubious character to get away with a little more. These pitfalls and dangers weren’t mentioned to scare you. Online dating sites provide safe, fun, and exciting ways to meet people. Just keep these tips in mind and use common sense. The majority of people on online dating sites are legitimately searching for someone they can connect with, have fun with, and maybe even fall in love with. Maybe that special person they’re waiting for is you!

Learn how to handle “waiting for others”

If you are like most people, then you too have this strange tendency to wait for others to fill in your needs. This pattern of “waiting for others” is a bad habit, causing a lot of pain and stress in your relationships. It can even be fatal and needlessly ruin a relationship! Reason enough to take a closer look at this habit and learn how to handle it.

 At the start of a new relationship, you get everything you have been longing for, sometimes since early childhood: love, affection, tenderness, attention, excitement and energy.

 You think you’ve finally found your Prince Charming (or Princess Charming) and all your needs are fulfilled forever, “They lived long and happily ever after.” You wallow in the illusion that this new excitement will last forever, and that you don’t have to do anything in order to keep receiving this stream of love and energy from your significant other.

 Reality turns out differently. Not that after a while your lover loves you less, but that a big share of his attention and energy goes to his job, friends and activities he used to have before meeting you.

 You panic. What’s going on? Does he not love you anymore? Did you become ugly, fat, or boring? You try to find a reason why the stream of energy coming from him is weakening. You were used to feel 300 Volt coming from him, and now you have to content yourself with a lousy 100.

 You decide that you won’t let this happen and you demand he continues to give you what he gave in the beginning. You are focused on what you think you are entitled to receive, and on what the other “should” be giving you.

 How strange! Why don’t you focus on what YOU can give to HIM? Why be so stubborn to maintain this bizarre belief that everything you need should be given to you by someone else? Why wait for the other to give to you what you need? Why not give it to yourself? And why not simply give to the other what YOU would like to receive for yourself?

 You have nothing to lose by this approach. But I can assure you that you have a lot to gain: love, affection, tenderness, attention, excitement and energy. That’s right! Exactly the same things the other freely provided you with in the beginning!

 YOU can give them to yourself, and to him. Giving is the only fail-safe way to make sure you receive.

 Try to understand this. If you have to wait for somebody else to give you what you need, you can wait forever and there’s a decent risk you will never get it.

 If you give what you need to yourself and to the other, then you have it both ways: once because you gave it to yourself, and once because you will get back from the other what you gave him. You can have your pie and eat it!

 Why does it work this way? Because by giving something, you are tuning yourself to the frequency of that which you give. Let’s say, for example, you need attention. Instead of examining the behavior, facial and verbal expressions of your partner, trying to detect whether he gives you enough attention, you can give attention to him! Ask him how he is feeling right now, how his day went, what he learned today, and if he met any interesting people. Show your genuine interest, and I bet he will be interested in you too. You give attention, and you will get attention in return!

 You want love? Give love! You want advice? Give advice! You need an energy boost? Boost up someone else’s energy level and in doing so you will feel your own energy rising! You want people to listen to you? Then first listen carefully to someone else who needs to be heard. You want more friends? Then befriend others! You want more respect from your children? Respect them!

 So, in order to get what you want, learn to give it first.
  •  Instead of waiting for your significant other to give you love, why don’t you give love to him or her?
  •  Instead of waiting for your children to respect you, why don’t you start by respecting them? Be an example.
  •  Instead of dreaming of a wonderful job that satisfies your needs, try to be wonderful at your current job first!
  •  Instead of wanting your friends to invest time and energy in your relationship, why don’t you give some extra time and energy to them?
  •  Instead of waiting for peace and calm to come into your life, why don’t you create the silence and inner balance needed to feel the peace you long for?
 It’s all a matter of energy vibrating. By giving what you want to others, you are tuning in to the vibrational energy of what it is you want. If you want love and you give it to others, you are in the energy of love already. Giving love makes you feel that love and thus you then attract more love into your life. Giving attention makes you feel the attention. Giving respect puts you in the energy vibration of respect and you will attract more respect towards yourself.

 This works for anything you desire. You will not only get what you want by giving it, but you will also be much less dependent on others. You will feel the power of being in charge of your own life!